We validate all tracking links during the registration process to check for any potential issues. This guide walks you through the different types of error you may encounter when you register your tracking links on Moloco Ads.
Invalid link
Error message: {{incorrect_macro_value}} is not supported by MOLOCO. Double-check your macro value mapping. You can review our available macros here.
You will see this error message when we can't parse your tracking link properly. You can only use macro values we provide. The following error message is displayed in the event that the tracking link includes one or more invalid macro values.
https://app.appsflyer.com/com.appsflyer.adNetworkTest ?
&af_ua={{device.user_agent}} - In this example,
isn't one of the available macro values. You must replace with one of the available macro values or a hardcoded value. - We recommend double-checking the tracking link with your MMP representative to make sure there aren't any other missing or invalid values in the tracking link.
Invalid scheme
Error message: Invalid scheme: Use '{valid_scheme}' instead of '{value}' in the URL
You will see this error message when the URL scheme is invalid. The URL scheme is found at the very beginning of a URL and is followed by
. -
For example,
is an invalid URL scheme. If you register a tracking link starting withhttp
then you will see this message: Use ‘https’ instead of ‘http’ in the URL - To resolve this issue, replace the invalid URL scheme with the correct scheme.
Invalid host
Error message: Double-check what you’ve picked for your tracking company. The host ‘${host name}’ doesn’t match the selected tracking company—but they need to match.
You will see this error message when the URL's host is different from the tracking company you have selected. The URL host is the domain value following
. -
Each MMP has its own value or logic for the tracking link host. For example, AppsFlyer tracking links usually have
as the host except for Onelink™. If you have selected AppsFlyer as the tracking company but set up a tracking link with the hosthttps://app.adjust.com/
then you will see this error. - Double-check that you have selected the correct tracking company and that there aren't any typos.
Invalid path
Error message: ‘${path}’ seems to be an unusual value. Double-check it with your MMP partner.
You will see this error message when the tracking link has an unrecognized path value. The path is the value following the host value, and usually includes information about the app.
- As you can see in the image above, the AppsFlyer tracking link has the app's Google Play Store bundle ID. If it includes unexpected values such as
, you will see this error message. - Ask your MMP representative to check that the path value is correct.
Missing required parameter
Error message: Missing required parameters: The entered link does not have the required parameters. Please add these parameters: A, B, C. Add all missing parameters
- You will see this error message when the tracking link is missing one or more required parameters. Parameters are listed after
in the tracking link. You can see that there arekey
pairs separated by&
as in the following example. Keys are the parameters from your MMP and they are also the column names that appear on the reports from your MMP. - You must include all required parameters in the tracking link for successful attribution. Click Add all missing parameters to automatically add all required parameters.
Invalid parameter
Error message: The value of this parameter isn’t valid. [solution]
- You will see this error when one or more values paired with each parameter is invalid. The value paired with a tracking link parameter must be one of the available macro values or a hardcoded value. Macro values are placeholders and are dynamically replaced with the actual values such as campaign ID, creative title, and others.
The error message tells you what to do to fix the error. If the error message shows multiple solutions, see this section for a full list of available macro values and MMP parameters you can use.
- The value of this parameter isn’t valid. It should equal/contain one of the following:
- [solution 1]
- [solution 2]
- [solution 3]
- The value of this parameter isn’t valid. It should equal: {{macro_value}}
Duplicate parameters
Error message: There are duplicated parameters. Make sure to keep one of them.
- You will see this error message when there is more than one copy of the same parameter. For example, a tracking link can include only one
[AppsFlyer only] Wrong App ID
Error message: App ID in the tracking link doesn’t match with the tracking bundle id of your App. The current App’s tracking bundle id:
{MMP bunlde ID}
- The tracking link's
value must be identical to the MMP bundle ID of the app it is linked to. Double check to be sure the two values are identical.
[AppsFlyer agency customers only] Missing required value
Error message: 'af_prt' parameter requires the agency ID from AppsFlyer. See here to find your agency ID.
- Agency customers working with Moloco through their own agency dashboard on AppsFlyer must include in their tracking links the
parameter with a valid value that has been authorized by Moloco. Enter your agency ID for AppsFlyer as the value of theaf_prt
[AppsFlyer agency customers only] Unauthorized agency
Error message: The "af_prt" parameter appears in your link, but your agency isn't yet authorized for AppsFlyer with Moloco. Contact Moloco to get authorized.
- Agency customers working with Moloco through their own agency dashboard on AppsFlyer must include in their tracking links the
parameter with a valid value that has been authorized by Moloco. Reach out to your Moloco representative to let us know the value of this parameter to be added to Moloco's allowlist.
[Adjust only] Missing host value for app
Error message: You entered a universal/branded link. Universal/branded link host need to be added to your app details.
- You must have registered host values for Universal and Branded tracking links at the app registration stage. Go to Apps and click Create to register a new app first. On the New App page, selecting ADJUST for MMP displays Universal link host and Branded link host where you can enter the host value for your Universal and Branded links respectively.
[Adjust only] Wrong host value
Error message: Your link has a different host value with the host value registered in App details. Host value in Tracking link should follow the same host value registered in App details.
The Universal or Branded tracking link's host value must be identical to the host value registered for the app it is linked to. Double check to be sure the two values are identical.