Report overview

  • Updated

You can view and download reports on a variety of metrics to analyze campaign performance. 


About the Report dashboard

Moloco Ads lets you view a set of key metrics for campaigns by level of specification (e.g., app, ad group, creative, etc.) to help analyze campaign performance over different periods of time. You can generate and download reports with different combinations of metrics and levels.  

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Item Description

Specify a date range for pulling up data. You can specify a range of dates or you may choose from the available selections in the left sidebar. Date range can include at most 180 days.



Specify the level(s) to list campaigns by. Available options are the following.

Level Description
App This is the title you are using for the app the campaign is under.
Campaign This is the title you are using for the campaign.
Campaign Type This is the campaign type. Available values are UA and RE. 
Campaign Goal This is the campaign goal. e.g.,) Install, In App Event, Clicks, etc.
Ad Group This is the title you are using for the campaign's ad group. 
Creative Group This is the title you are using for the campaign's creative group.
Creative This is the title you are using for the campaign's creative.
Creative Type This is the creative type. e.g.,) image, video, etc.
Creative Size This is the creative size. e.g.,) 1080x1920
Video Duration This is the length of a video creative. e.g.,) 30s
Video End Card Type This is the end card type for a video creative. e.g.,) Interactive End Card

This is the device OS type for the app the campaign is under. Available values are Android and iOS.

Country This is the three-digit ISO country code for the campaign's target country.
LAT Target This indicates whether LAT targeting is enabled or not. Available values are LAT On and LAT Off.
Exchange This is the ad exchange the campaign is using (e.g., APPLOVIN).  
Inventory Traffic Indicates either mobile app traffic or mobile web traffic. APP indicates mobile app traffic and WEB indicates mobile web traffic. 
Inventory Type

This is the type of inventory the campaign is displayed in. Available values are BANNER, INTERSTITIAL, and NATIVE.

  • Inventory - App Bundle: This is the app bundle ID (i.e., Store ID) of the publisher inventory.
  • Inventory - App title: This is the app title of the publisher inventory.

Specify the key metrics to include in the report. Available options are the following.

Metric Description
Impression This is the total number of impressions recorded during the specified time period.
Click This is the total number of clicks recorded during the specified time period.
Engaged View This is the total number of Engaged Views recorded during the specified time period.
Engaged Click This is the total number of Engaged Clicks recorded during the specified time period.
Install This is the total number of installs recorded during the specified time period.

This is the total number of actions recorded during the specified time period. An action is an event that has been selected as the goal for a campaign optimized for in-app event


This is the number of times the event(s) you have selected as the conversion metric(s) for your campaign was recorded during the specified time period.

Spend This is the total amount of ad spend (i.e., cost) during the specified time period.
CTR This is the percentage of clicks to impressions, calculated as number of clicks/number of impressions*100, recorded during the specified time period.

Similar to i2i (i.e., Impression to Install), this is the number of times the advertised app has been installed per 1,000 ad impressions during the specified time period. A larger number indicates better performance.

CPC This is the cost per click, calculated as amount of ad spend/number of clicks, during the specified time period.
CPI  This is the cost per install, calculated as amount of ad spend/number of installs, during the specified time period. 

This is the cost per action, calculated as amount of ad spend/number actions, during the specified time period. An action is an event that has been selected as the goal for a campaign optimized for in-app event

Cost per Conversion

This is the cost per conversion event, calculated as amount of ad spend/number of conversions.

VTR This is the percentage of users who watched a video ad from beginning to end, calculated as the number of completed views divided by the number of impressions.
CPCV This is the cost per completed view.
1Q (25%) View 

This is the number of impressions from users who viewed 25% of a video ad.

2Q (50%) View

This is the number of impressions from users who viewed 50% of a video ad.

3Q (75%) View

This is the number of impressions from users who viewed 75% of a video ad.

Completed View

This is the number of impressions from users who viewed an entire video ad from beginning to end.

D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Purchase

This is the total number of times a purchase was made by users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. 

Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The number of purchases made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 purchase count, and the number of purchases made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 purchase count.  

D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Purchaser

This is the total number of users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified and eventually made a purchase, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement.

Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. Any purchase made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 qualifies the user to count toward the D3 purchasing user count, and any purchase made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 qualifies the user to count toward the D7 purchasing user count. 

D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Revenue

This is the total revenue generated from users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. 

Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The revenue amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 revenue amount, and the revenue amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 revenue amount. 

D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 ROAS

This is the return on ad spend (ROAS) showing how much revenue was generated from purchase events made by users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement.

Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The ROAS amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 ROAS amount, and the ROAS amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 ROAS amount. 

ROAS amount is calculated as revenue divided by ad spend, multiplied by 100. The number displayed is a percentage value.

D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Action

This is the total number of times that users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified performed actions you have specified as the campaign goal, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. For campaigns optimized for in-app events, action refers to the target event for the in-app event optimization goal. For campaigns optimized for ROAS, action refers to the purchase event.

Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The number of actions performed by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 action count, and the number of actions performed by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 action count.

D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 CPA

This is the cost per action event from users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement.

Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. CPA from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 CPA, and CPA from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 CPA.

D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Retention

This is the number of users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified that have performed non-install conversion actions 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 days following initial install.

For example, D7 retention for August 14th is the number of non-install conversion actions on August 21st from the installs that took place August 14th.


Click the box next to Date to view campaign data for each date during the specified time period.


You can specify in-app events you would like to view data for.




Item Description
Add filter

You can apply filters to the data to view a subset of data. Available filters include but aren't limited to the available levels, metrics, and events.

  • is/is not: You can use is or is not to specify conditions including any of the available levels.


  • Arithmetic operator (>,<,=,>=,=<): You can use arithmetic operators to specify conditions including any of the available metrics. 


Tip: Use the advanced search settings to see the results of applying specific conditions such as campaigns with over 10 daily installs or campaigns that spend over $100 per day.


View or download campaign data 

  1. Select the ad account you would like to view campaign data for.
  2. Click Report from the left sidebar. This takes you to the page where you can specify data to view. 

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  3. Select the timezone and date range. Then, click the levels, metrics, and/or events to view under Columns. Screenshot 2023-08-24 at 8.17.01 PM.png
  4. To view campaign data for each date during the specified time period, click the box next to Date
  5. If you like, you can apply filters to view a subset of data using Add filter. Click Run to view data.  Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 5.59.24 PM.png
  6. You can drag and drop any of the columns displayed to change the order of presentation. For each column, you can click one of the arrows to sort data by ascending or descending order. Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 6.04.24 PM.png
  7. To download the data displayed, click CSV. Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 6.07.42 PM.png

Important: The data displayed is updated in real time every time you make changes to the configurations. Time to display varies depending on the size of data to display as well as any filters you have applied. 

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