Invite and manage users

  • Updated

There are 4 user roles in Moloco Ads — Workplace Owner, Ad Account Owner, Ad Account Member, and Ad Account Viewer. This guide will explain the differences between the roles and the way to add and manage users in your Workplace. 



User roles

Workplace owner

A Workplace is a control center for handling multiple Ad Accounts. The Workplace Owner acts as the overall Workplace admin and has access to all Ad Account settings as well as view or edit the user settings for all users under the Workplace.


Ad account users

There are 3 types of roles for Ad Account users — Owner, Member, and Viewer. Depending on the role, the user will have different levels of access. 



Ad Account Owner
  • View all users having access to the Ad Account
  • Invite new users as Ad Account Owner, Ad Account Member, or Ad Account Viewer
  • Edit information of all users of the Ad Account
  • Remove users of the Ad Account
  • Create and edit ad campaigns
Ad Account Member
  • View all users of the Ad Account
  • Invite new users as Ad Account Member or Ad Account Viewer
  • Edit your own information (name, email)
  • Create and edit ad campaigns
Ad Account Viewer
  • View campaign results from Overview, Report, and Analytics



Invite a new user

Note: All users can invite new users except for the Ad Account Viewer. However, a user who invite new users can only assign the same or lower-level role with his/her role.

  • Workplace Owners can invite new users as a Workplace Owner or a Ad Account User (Owner / Member / Viewer) to any Ad Account
  • Ad Account Owners can invite new users as a Ad Account User (Owner / Member / Viewer) to the specific Ad Account they own
  • Ad Account Members can invite new users as a Ad Account Member or Viewer to the specific Ad Account they belong to 


Invite a new workplace owner


  1. Click Settings from the top right corner
  2. Click Workplace Settings from Settings

  3. Select the Workplace Users tab

  4. Click the Invite workplace owner button

  5. After filling out the user's email address and name, select the user's role as Workplace Owner.

    Note: After the account creation, we will directly send an invitation email to the new user’s email address. Once the user has set up a new password, the user will have access to Moloco Ads. Set up your account as soon as you receive the email since the password setting link will be expired after 7 days.

  6. Click Invite
  7. The new user’s Name and Role may be modified by clicking the  Edit button in the user list.


Invite a new ad account user


  1. Click Settings from the top right corner
  2. Click Ad account settings from Settings

  3. Select the Ad account you want to invite users to

  4. Select the Ad Account Users tab

  5. Click Invite

  6. After filling out the user's email address and name, select the user's role.

    Note: After the account creation, we will directly send an invitation email to the new user’s email address. Once the user has set up a new password, the user will have access to Moloco Ads. Set up your account as soon as you receive the email since the password setting link will be expired after 7 days.

  7. Click Invite
  8. The new user’s Name and Role may be modified by clicking the  Edit button in the user list.


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