Edit an app

  • Updated

If you would like to edit one of your existing apps, follow the instructions below.


Edit an app

  1. Click Assets from the left sidebar.
  2. Under the Apps tab, find and click the app you would like to edit.
  3. From the App Detail page that appears, click Edit. Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 10.10.15 PM.png
  4. From the Edit App page that appears, you can update any of the app details other than app type, OS type, app bundle ID, MMP, and MMP bundle ID. 
  5. Review all changes you have made and click Save to save changes. 


Edit app events and event types

Important: At this time, event mapping is only available for Android and iOS apps.

  1. Click Assets from the left sidebar.
  2. Under the Apps tab, find and click the app you would like to edit.
  3. From the App Detail page that appears, click Manage event. Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 10.17.41 PM.png
  4. From the Manage events page that appears, choose one of the available event types for all events listed under the Unmapped event(s) tab. In the event that there are multiple unmapped events of the same type, check the box next to all of those events and click Bulk mapping to map selected events to the same event type. You can filter events by the event name. Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 10.21.48 PM.png
  5. Review all newly mapped events under the Mapped event(s) tab and click Save to save changes. Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 10.26.51 PM.png


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