How to integrate cost data with Adjust (Adjust Suite)

  • Updated


The steps outlined in this guide are only applicable to Adjust Suite. If you are using Adjust Classic, see this guide instead.

You must integrate cost data with Adjust to start sending your campaign's ad spend data to Adjust for reporting purposes. This guide walks you through how you can integrate cost data on Adjust Suite.

Step 1: Add a new integration for Moloco.

From the startup page, click + New Connections under DataWorks. This opens up the page where you can enter details about the integration.


Step 2: Enter details and start sharing data.

For Partner, choose "Molocoads" from the list of available options. For Services, choose "Ad spend" from the list of available options. For Ad account ID, copy over your Moloco Ads ad account ID. To find and copy your Moloco Ads ad account ID, follow these instructions. For Report key, copy over your Moloco-issued Token ID. To find and copy your Moloco-issued Token ID, follow these instructions. Review and click Connect to start sending your ad spend data to Adjust. 


Step 3: Build a default or custom ad spend report. 

Adjust offers a variety of pre-built reports. To use one of these default reports, click Overview dashboard under Datascape. This takes you to the Overview page where you can view all metrics you are tracking for all your campaigns across all ad networks you are working with. Scroll down to find the ad spend metrics. You can use the available filters to view your Moloco ad spend only. 

If you like, you can build custom reports as well. Click Reports under DataScape to view all available reports. If none of the existing reports would work for your purpose, click + New report to create a custom report with the dimensions and metrics you have specified. 


Next steps

You can give Adjust dashboard access to your Moloco representative(s) to track and manage your campaign performance on your behalf. See the ad network permission guide for more details. 



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