The overview pages in Moloco Ads are intended to give you a quick snapshot of how your apps, campaigns, and ad groups are performing. Read on to learn what information you can find in each of the overview pages.
App Home
Choosing an app from the left sidebar menu or the list of available apps under Apps from the startup page takes you to the overview page for the app. The app overview page displays key performance metrics for all campaigns under the app such as ad spend, installs, CPI, and more from the date range you have specified. To update the date range, click the calendar icon and specify the dates. You can specify a date range of up to 30 days.
The Highlights section can display up to 10 different metrics and you can plot up to two metrics for visualization. For iOS apps, you can view and compare MMP and SKAN metrics. To add additional metrics to display, click Add Metric or Highlight setting and choose from the list of available metrics. The Overall option plots the aggregate metric(s) across all of your campaigns under the app against the date range you have specified. The Breakdown option plots the metric(s) by each campaign under the app against the date range you have specified.
Available metrics
Metric | Description |
Spend |
This is the total amount of ad spend from the date range you have specified. When available, the ad spend amount from the specified date range is compared against the ad spend amount from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
Install |
This is the total number of installs from the date range you have specified. For iOS apps, Install (MMP) indicates all MMP-attributed installs and Install (SKAN) indicates all SKAN-attributed installs. When available, the number of installs from the specified date range is compared against the number of installs from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
This is the cost per install from the date range you have specified. For iOS apps, CPI (MMP) indicates the MMP-attributed cost per install and CPI (SKAN) indicates the SKAN-attributed cost per install. When available, the cost per install from the specified date range is compared against the cost per install from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
Impression |
This is the total number of impressions from the date range you have specified. When available, the number of impressions from the specified date range is compared against the number of impressions from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
Click |
This is the total number of clicks from the date range you have specified. When available, the number of clicks from the specified date range is compared against the number of clicks from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
This is the percentage of impressions that led to a click from the date range you have specified. When available, the CTR from the specified date range is compared against the CTR from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
This is the aggregate number of installs per thousand ad impressions from the date range you have specified. It is similar to the i2i (i.e., impressions to installs) ratio, with a larger number indicating better performance. For iOS apps, IPM (MMP) indicates the aggregate number of MMP-attributed installs per thousand ad impressions and IPM (SKAN) indicates the aggregate number of SKAN-attributed installs per thousand ad impressions. When available, the IPM from the specified date range is compared against the IPM from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
This is the cost per click from the date range you have specified. When available, the cost per click from the specified date range is compared against the cost per click from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
Revenue |
This is the aggregate ad revenue amount from the date range you have specified. For iOS apps, Revenue (MMP) indicates the aggregated MMP-attributed revenue amount and Revenue (SKAN) indicates the aggregate SKAdNetwork-attributed revenue calculated based on the average revenue of each conversion value registered on Moloco Ads. When available, the revenue amount from the specified date range is compared against the revenue amount from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
Campaign Home
Clicking one of the campaigns from the list of available campaigns under Campaigns from App Home takes you to the overview page for the campaign. In addition to key campaign performance metrics such as ad spend, installs, impressions, and clicks, the campaign overview page also displays cohort metrics such as D1/D3/D7 revenue and ROAS from the date range you have specified. To update the date range, click the calendar icon and specify the dates. You can specify a date range of up to 180 days.
The Highlights section can display up to 10 different metrics and you can plot up to two metrics for visualization. For iOS campaigns, you can view and compare MMP and SKAN metrics. To add additional metrics to display, click Add Metric or Highlight setting and choose from the list of available metrics. The Overall option plots the aggregate metric(s) across all of your ad groups under the campaign against the date range you have specified. The Breakdown option plots the metric(s) by each ad group under the app against the date range you have specified.
Important: For iOS campaigns, data from SKAN traffic isn't available at the ad group level and you will only see aggregate metrics at the campaign level at this time.
Available metrics
Metric | Description |
Spend |
This is the total amount of ad spend from the date range you have specified. When available, the ad spend amount from the specified date range is compared against the ad spend amount from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
Install |
This is the total number of installs from the date range you have specified. For iOS apps, Install (MMP) indicates all MMP-attributed installs and Install (SKAN) indicates all SKAN-attributed installs. When available, the number of installs from the specified date range is compared against the number of installs from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
This is the cost per install from the date range you have specified. For iOS apps, CPI (MMP) indicates the MMP-attributed cost per install and CPI (SKAN) indicates the SKAN-attributed cost per install. When available, the cost per install from the specified date range is compared against the cost per install from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
Impression |
This is the total number of impressions from the date range you have specified. When available, the number of impressions from the specified date range is compared against the number of impressions from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
Click |
This is the total number of clicks from the date range you have specified. When available, the number of clicks from the specified date range is compared against the number of clicks from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
Engaged View |
This is the total number of Engaged Views from the date range you have specified. When available, the number of Engaged Views from the specified date range is compared against the number of Engaged Views from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
Engaged Click |
This is the total number of Engaged Clicks from the date range you have specified. When available, the number of Engaged Clicks from the specified date range is compared against the number of Engaged Clicks from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
This is the percentage of impressions that led to a click from the date range you have specified. When available, the CTR from the specified date range is compared against the CTR from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
This is the aggregate number of installs per thousand ad impressions from the date range you have specified. It is similar to the i2i (i.e., impressions to installs) ratio, with a larger number indicating better performance. For iOS apps, IPM (MMP) indicates the aggregate number of MMP-attributed installs per thousand ad impressions and IPM (SKAN) indicates the aggregate number of SKAN-attributed installs per thousand ad impressions. When available, the IPM from the specified date range is compared against the IPM from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
This is the cost per click from the date range you have specified. When available, the cost per click from the specified date range is compared against the cost per click from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
Conversion |
This is the number of times the event(s) you have selected as the conversion metric(s) for the campaign was recorded during the date range you have specified. When available, the conversion from the specified date range is compared against the conversion from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
Revenue |
This is the aggregate ad revenue amount from the date range you have specified. For iOS apps, Revenue (MMP) indicates the aggregated MMP-attributed revenue amount and Revenue (SKAN) indicates the aggregate SKAdNetwork-attributed revenue calculated based on the average revenue of each conversion value registered on Moloco Ads. When available, the revenue amount from the specified date range is compared against the revenue amount from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
Cost per Conversion |
This is the cost per conversion event, calculated as ad spend divided by number of conversions. When available, the cost per conversion from the specified date range is compared against the cost per conversion from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
1Q (25%) View |
This is the number of impressions from users who viewed 25% of a video ad. When available, 1Q View from the specified date range is compared against 1Q View from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
2Q (50%) View |
This is the number of impressions from users who viewed 50% of a video ad. When available, 2Q View from the specified date range is compared against 2Q View from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
3Q (75%) View |
This is the number of impressions from users who viewed 75% of a video ad. When available, 3Q View from the specified date range is compared against 3Q View from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
Completed View |
This is the number of impressions from users who viewed an entire video ad from beginning to end. When available, Completed View from the specified date range is compared against Completed View from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Purchase |
This is the total number of times a purchase was made by users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The number of purchases made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 purchase count, and the number of purchases made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 purchase count. When available, the D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Purchase from the specified date range is compared against the D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Purchase from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Purchaser |
This is the total number of users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified and eventually made a purchase, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. Any purchase made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 qualifies the user to count toward the D3 purchasing user count, and any purchase made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 qualifies the user to count toward the D7 purchasing user count. When available, the D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Purchaser from the specified date range is compared against the D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Purchaser from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Revenue |
This is the total revenue generated from users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The revenue amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 revenue amount, and the revenue amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 revenue amount. When available, the D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Revenue from the specified date range is compared against the D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Revenue from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 ROAS |
This is the return on ad spend (ROAS) showing how much revenue was generated from purchase events made by users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The ROAS amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 ROAS amount, and the ROAS amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 ROAS amount. ROAS amount is calculated as revenue divided by ad spend, multiplied by 100. The number displayed is a percentage value. When available, the D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 ROAS from the specified date range is compared against the D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 ROAS from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Action |
This is the total number of times that users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified performed actions you have specified as the campaign goal, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. For campaigns optimized for in-app events, action refers to the target event for the in-app event optimization goal. For campaigns optimized for ROAS, action refers to the purchase event. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The number of actions performed by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 action count, and the number of actions performed by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 action count. When available, the D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Action from the specified date range is compared against the D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Action from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 CPA |
This is the cost per action event from users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. CPA from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 CPA, and CPA from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 CPA. When available, the D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 CPA from the specified date range is compared against the D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 CPA from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Retention |
This is the number of users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified that have performed non-install conversion actions 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 days following initial install. For example, D7 retention for August 14th is the number of non-install conversion actions on August 21st from the installs that took place August 14th. When available, the D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Retention from the specified date range is compared against the D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Retention from the immediately preceding date range of the same length and the difference is displayed as a percentage change. |
Ad Group Home
Clicking one of the ad groups from the list of available ad groups under Ad Groups from Campaign Home takes you to the overview page for the ad group. The ad group overview page displays creative group performance metrics for all creative groups under the ad group such as impressions, clicks, installs, and more from the date range you have specified as an aggregate sum or by each creative group or creative type. To update the date range, click the calendar icon and specify the dates. You can specify a date range of up to 180 days.
You can use the Add button and the minus icon below the Actions column to add and remove creative groups. To display a subset of data, click Add filter and apply any of the available filters. Clicking the wheel icon lets you specify which metrics to display. Clicking the CSV button lets you download the data as a .csv
file. Clicking the clipboard icon below the Actions column takes you to the Report dashboard where you can choose which metrics to view and can see all metrics across all creative groups. To learn more about the Report dashboard, see Report overview.
Available filters
Filter | Description |
Title | When data is grouped by creative group, you can filter data by specific keywords included in the creative group title. |
Spend | You can filter data by the range of ad spend amount. |
Impression | You can filter data by the range of number of impressions. |
Click | You can filter data by the range of number of clicks. |
Install | You can filter data by the range of number of installs. |
CPC | You can filter data by the range of cost per click. |
CTR | You can filter data by the range of CTR (i.e., percentage of impressions that led to a click). |
IPM | You can filter data by the aggregate number of installs per thousand ad impressions from the date range you have specified. It is similar to the i2i (i.e., impressions to installs) ratio, with a larger number indicating better performance. |
CPI | You can filter data by the cost per install from the date range you have specified. |
1Q (25%) View |
You can filter data by the number of impressions from users who viewed 25% of a video ad. |
2Q (50%) View |
You can filter data by the number of impressions from users who viewed 50% of a video ad. |
3Q (75%) View |
You can filter data by the number of impressions from users who viewed 75% of a video ad. |
Completed View |
You can filter data by the number of impressions from users who viewed an entire video ad from beginning to end. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Purchase |
You can filter data by the total number of times a purchase was made by users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The number of purchases made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 purchase count, and the number of purchases made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 purchase count. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Purchaser |
You can filter data by the total number of users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified and eventually made a purchase, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. Any purchase made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 qualifies the user to count toward the D3 purchasing user count, and any purchase made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 qualifies the user to count toward the D7 purchasing user count. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Revenue |
You can filter data by the total revenue generated from users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The revenue amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 revenue amount, and the revenue amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 revenue amount. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 ROAS |
You can filter data by the return on ad spend (ROAS) showing how much revenue was generated from purchase events made by users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The ROAS amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 ROAS amount, and the ROAS amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 ROAS amount. ROAS amount is calculated as revenue divided by ad spend, multiplied by 100. The number displayed is a percentage value. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Action |
This is the total number of times that users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified performed actions you have specified as the campaign goal, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. For campaigns optimized for in-app events, action refers to the target event for the in-app event optimization goal. For campaigns optimized for ROAS, action refers to the purchase event. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The number of actions performed by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 action count, and the number of actions performed by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 action count. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 CPA |
This is the cost per action event from users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. CPA from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 CPA, and CPA from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 CPA. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Retention |
This is the number of users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified that have performed non-install conversion actions 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 days following initial install. For example, D7 retention for August 14th is the number of non-install conversion actions on August 21st from the installs that took place August 14th. |
Available dimensions and metrics
Column name | Description |
Creative group title | When data is grouped by creative group, this is the title for each creative group. |
Added on | When data is grouped by creative group, this is the date each creative group was added. |
Creative Type | When data is grouped by creative type, this is the creative type(s) for all creatives under the ad group. |
Video End Card Type | When data is grouped by creative type, this is the end card type(s) for all video creatives under the ad group. |
Spend | This is the total amount of ad spend from the date range you have specified. |
Impression | This is the total number of impressions from the date range you have specified. |
Click | This is the total number of clicks from the date range you have specified. |
Install | This is the total number of installs from the date range you have specified. |
CPC | This is the cost per click from the date range you have specified. |
CTR | This is the percentage of impressions that led to a click from the date range you have specified. |
IPM | This is the aggregate number of installs per thousand ad impressions from the date range you have specified. It is similar to the i2i (i.e., impressions to installs) ratio, with a larger number indicating better performance. |
CPI | This is the cost per install from the date range you have specified. |
1Q (25%) View |
This is the number of impressions from users who viewed 25% of a video ad. |
2Q (50%) View |
This is the number of impressions from users who viewed 50% of a video ad. |
3Q (75%) View |
This is the number of impressions from users who viewed 75% of a video ad. |
Completed View |
This is the number of impressions from users who viewed an entire video ad from beginning to end. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Purchase |
This is the total number of times a purchase was made by users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The number of purchases made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 purchase count, and the number of purchases made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 purchase count. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Purchaser |
This is the total number of users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified and eventually made a purchase, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. Any purchase made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 qualifies the user to count toward the D3 purchasing user count, and any purchase made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 qualifies the user to count toward the D7 purchasing user count. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Revenue |
This is the total revenue generated from users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The revenue amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 revenue amount, and the revenue amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 revenue amount. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 ROAS |
This is the return on ad spend (ROAS) showing how much revenue was generated from purchase events made by users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The ROAS amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 ROAS amount, and the ROAS amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 ROAS amount. ROAS amount is calculated as revenue divided by ad spend, multiplied by 100. The number displayed is a percentage value. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Action |
This is the total number of times that users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified performed actions you have specified as the campaign goal, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. For campaigns optimized for in-app events, action refers to the target event for the in-app event optimization goal. For campaigns optimized for ROAS, action refers to the purchase event. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The number of actions performed by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 action count, and the number of actions performed by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 action count. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 CPA |
This is the cost per action event from users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. CPA from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 CPA, and CPA from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 CPA. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Retention |
This is the number of users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified that have performed non-install conversion actions 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 days following initial install. For example, D7 retention for August 14th is the number of non-install conversion actions on August 21st from the installs that took place August 14th. |
A/B Test Detail
Clicking one of the A/B tests from the list of all existing A/B tests under A/B Test groups from Campaign Home takes you to the overview page for that A/B test. The A/B Test Detail page displays all details about the A/B test as well as the test results. You can specify a date range of up to 180 days for pulling performance data. Clicking Add filter lets you specify one or more filter to apply to the data. Clicking the wheel icon lets you specify which metrics to display. Clicking the CSV button lets you download the data as a .csv
Available filters
Filter | Description |
Groups | You can filter data by specific creative groups used in the A/B test. |
Spend | You can filter data by the range of ad spend amount. |
Impression | You can filter data by the range of number of impressions. |
Click | You can filter data by the range of number of clicks. |
Install | You can filter data by the range of number of installs. |
IPM | You can filter data by the aggregate number of installs per thousand ad impressions from the date range you have specified. It is similar to the i2i (i.e., impressions to installs) ratio, with a larger number indicating better performance. |
CPI | You can filter data by the cost per install from the date range you have specified. |
Conversion |
You can filter data by the number of times the event(s) you have selected as the conversion metric(s) for the campaign was recorded during the date range you have specified. |
Cost per Conversion |
You can filter data by the cost per conversion event, calculated as ad spend divided by number of conversions. |
CPC | You can filter data by the range of cost per click. |
CTR | You can filter data by the range of CTR (i.e., percentage of impressions that led to a click). |
1Q (25%) View |
You can filter data by the number of impressions from users who viewed 25% of a video ad. |
2Q (50%) View |
You can filter data by the number of impressions from users who viewed 50% of a video ad. |
3Q (75%) View |
You can filter data by the number of impressions from users who viewed 75% of a video ad. |
Completed View |
You can filter data by the number of impressions from users who viewed an entire video ad from beginning to end. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Purchase |
You can filter data by the total number of times a purchase was made by users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The number of purchases made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 purchase count, and the number of purchases made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 purchase count. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Purchaser |
You can filter data by the total number of users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified and eventually made a purchase, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. Any purchase made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 qualifies the user to count toward the D3 purchasing user count, and any purchase made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 qualifies the user to count toward the D7 purchasing user count. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Revenue |
You can filter data by the total revenue generated from users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The revenue amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 revenue amount, and the revenue amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 revenue amount. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 ROAS |
You can filter data by the return on ad spend (ROAS) showing how much revenue was generated from purchase events made by users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The ROAS amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 ROAS amount, and the ROAS amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 ROAS amount. ROAS amount is calculated as revenue divided by ad spend, multiplied by 100. The number displayed is a percentage value. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Action |
This is the total number of times that users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified performed actions you have specified as the campaign goal, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. For campaigns optimized for in-app events, action refers to the target event for the in-app event optimization goal. For campaigns optimized for ROAS, action refers to the purchase event. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The number of actions performed by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 action count, and the number of actions performed by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 action count. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 CPA |
This is the cost per action event from users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. CPA from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 CPA, and CPA from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 CPA. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Retention |
This is the number of users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified that have performed non-install conversion actions 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 days following initial install. For example, D7 retention for August 14th is the number of non-install conversion actions on August 21st from the installs that took place August 14th. |
Available metrics
Metric | Description |
Spend | This is the total amount of ad spend from the date range you have specified. |
Impression | This is the total number of impressions from the date range you have specified. |
Click | This is the total number of clicks from the date range you have specified. |
Install | This is the total number of installs from the date range you have specified. |
CPC | This is the cost per click from the date range you have specified. |
CTR | This is the percentage of impressions that led to a click from the date range you have specified. |
IPM | This is the aggregate number of installs per thousand ad impressions from the date range you have specified. It is similar to the i2i (i.e., impressions to installs) ratio, with a larger number indicating better performance. |
CPI | This is the cost per install from the date range you have specified. |
Conversion |
This is the number of times the event(s) you have selected as the conversion metric(s) for the campaign was recorded during the date range you have specified. |
Cost per Conversion |
This is the cost per conversion event, calculated as ad spend divided by number of conversions. |
1Q (25%) View |
This is the number of impressions from users who viewed 25% of a video ad. |
2Q (50%) View |
This is the number of impressions from users who viewed 50% of a video ad. |
3Q (75%) View |
This is the number of impressions from users who viewed 75% of a video ad. |
Completed View |
This is the number of impressions from users who viewed an entire video ad from beginning to end. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Purchase |
This is the total number of times a purchase was made by users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The number of purchases made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 purchase count, and the number of purchases made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 purchase count. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Purchaser |
This is the total number of users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified and eventually made a purchase, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. Any purchase made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 qualifies the user to count toward the D3 purchasing user count, and any purchase made by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 qualifies the user to count toward the D7 purchasing user count. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Revenue |
This is the total revenue generated from users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The revenue amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 revenue amount, and the revenue amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 revenue amount. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 ROAS |
This is the return on ad spend (ROAS) showing how much revenue was generated from purchase events made by users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The ROAS amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 ROAS amount, and the ROAS amount generated from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 ROAS amount. ROAS amount is calculated as revenue divided by ad spend, multiplied by 100. The number displayed is a percentage value. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Action |
This is the total number of times that users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified performed actions you have specified as the campaign goal, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. For campaigns optimized for in-app events, action refers to the target event for the in-app event optimization goal. For campaigns optimized for ROAS, action refers to the purchase event. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. The number of actions performed by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 action count, and the number of actions performed by this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 action count. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 CPA |
This is the cost per action event from users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified, accumulated over 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 consecutive days starting from their date of first engagement. Let's say a user first engaged with your Moloco-run campaign on 12/1/23 and this falls within the date range of 12/1/23 to 12/4/23 that you have specified. CPA from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/3/23 counts toward the D3 CPA, and CPA from this user during the period of 12/1/23 to 12/7/23 counts toward the D7 CPA. |
D1/D3/D7/D14/D30 Retention |
This is the number of users who engaged with your Moloco-run campaign during the date range you have specified that have performed non-install conversion actions 1, 3, 7, 14, or 30 days following initial install. For example, D7 retention for August 14th is the number of non-install conversion actions on August 21st from the installs that took place August 14th. |